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Spiritual Self Reliance

Testimony & Spiritual Self-Reliance Lessons & Activities for Kids

testimony, belief, See also Holy Ghost; Testify; Witness; Revelation; Scriptures, Value of; Testify; Faith

Keyword Topics: testimony, belief, come follow me, lds primary, See also Holy Ghost; Testify; Witness; Revelation; Scriptures, Value of; Testify; Faith, Know; Knowledge; Revelation; Testament; Testify; Witness; bible printables for kids, testimony primary lessons, gaining a testimony, strengthening your testimony, how to gain a testimony, kids primary printables and activities, kids bible crafts, bible lessons for kids, scripture lessons for kids, testimony songs & crafts for kids


  • What is a Testimony?
  • Why do You Need a Testimony?
  • How to Gain a Testimony?
  • How to Strengthen a Testimony
  • What to do with Doubts
  • A Testimony Comes through the Holy Ghost / The Holy Ghost testifies of truth
  • Sharing My Testimony Can Bless Others
  • I can Bear My Testimony
  • I can Be a Witness that the Book of Mormon is True
  • I can Defend the Truth by Sharing My Testimony
  • I can Tell Others About Jesus Christ

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What's & Why's - Testimony Questions

What Is A Testimony?

Ensign January 2019 - “Talking about Testimonies”


Testimony Folder Game

Answer questions about testimony and match to the correct pieces. (Just like we build Legos, we can build our testimonies...). Learn about the steps to gaining a testimony and relate to making and building with bricks.


Let kids match the questions with the answers on the "TESTIMONY WHAT'S?" play mat page as you discuss throughout your lesson.

Begin the lesson by giving every child a piece of paper. Instruct them to make a list of things they know about each other. It can be ages, physical descriptions, talents, likes, dislikes, etc. Make sure to write down your own list. When you’re done, share one or two things about each person.

Read aloud: Heavenly Father loves us. Because He loves us, He wants us to know Him. When we know each other better, we can grow more love in our hearts for each other. When we know God, our testimony grows.

A testimony is a spiritual witness from the Holy Ghost that something about Heavenly Father and His gospel is true.

Ask: What does believe mean? What does know mean? (see folder game "Testimony What's").

Ask: Do you remember some things people bear their testimonies about? What can you have a testimony of? (Jesus, resurrection, atonement, prayer, priesthood, prophets...).

[Add in the Discovery My Testimony here -see below- or leave off and continue]. 

Read aloud: The foundation of a testimony is that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Savior. Of all the things we can have a testimony of, these two are the most important.

Ask: How can we know God is our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is our Savior?

Invite the children to think of one way they can grow their testimony this week. Bear a simple testimony to end. (To expand upon growing testimony, continue with "How to grow my Testimony" section).

Let kids make the Foundational Five hand craft or fill out the "My Testimony" page - in the printables library (under "Testimony Stones & Fundamental Five Hand Craft").

Share one simple aspect of your testimony and how you came to believe or know it.

Extension Ideas for Older Kids:

Older children and teens may wonder if they have a testimony or worry that their testimony is not as strong as they want it to be. A lot of this worry comes from an incomplete understanding of faith and testimonies. You can help them by dispelling their misconceptions in a compassionate, faith-affirming way. Here are some examples.


The idea that all important knowledge is based on scientific evidence is simply untrue.

These are three different kinds of knowledge, each learned in a different way.

3 Types of Knowing:

  • Scientific, fact-based knowledge - ex: I know it's cold outside.
  • Personal, subjective knowledge - ex: I know my parents love me. I know I love my mom.
  • Spiritual knowledge - ex: I know the gospel is true. (Moroni 10: 3-5)So if the Church is true and living, where do we find the core of truth?

What can we "know?": 

  • The “gospel is true” (“Holy Ghost,” Guide to the Scriptures)
  • “The holy scriptures are true” (D&C 20:11)
  • The “work…[is] true” (D&C 6:17)
  • “God is true” (John 7:18)

So what does it mean that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true Church? 

Three Things:

(1) fulness of doctrine

(2) power of the priesthood

(3) testimony of Jesus Christ—explain why God has declared and why we as His servants maintain that this is the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth.

[Your conviction of these realities must come from your own understanding of truth, from your own application of divine law and your willingness to seek the confirming witness of the Spirit. Your testimony may begin from acknowledgment that the teachings of the Lord seem reasonable. But it must grow from practicing those laws. Then your own experience will attest to their validity and yield the results promised. That confirmation will not all come at once. A strong testimony comes line upon line, precept upon precept. It requires faith, time, consistent obedience, and a willingness to sacrifice*].

Discovering My Testimony

Sometimes kids don't realize they have a testimony. Help them learn that they do with this simple lesson. 

Write the word knowledge on the chalkboard.

Ask: How do you learn new things or obtain knowledge?

Explain that gaining knowledge is important, but knowing that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true is the most important knowledge. This knowledge is called a testimony. 

Write the word testimony next to the word knowledge on the chalkboard.

Read 2 Nephi 28:30 with the children and discuss what this verse means. Explain that we gain our testimonies of the gospel a little at a time. As we learn a few things about the gospel and live accordingly, we will learn more and strengthen our faith in what we have already learned. As we live the principles of the gospel, the Holy Ghost will help us know that they are true.

How do we gain a testimony? Have you seen a baby tree, a little sapling, only five inches tall? It’s a tree too. Some testimonies are big like a giant redwood; some are small like a sapling. But big or small, they are both testimonies.

If you are wondering if you have a testimony, I would ask you—Do you believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet? Do you pray? Do you feel peace when you do? Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true? Do you believe you have a Father in Heaven? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? If you say yes to any of these questions, then you have received a witness of the truth. You have a testimony. Just nurture it! (1)

Let kids fill out the "Discovering My Testimony" page.

Read the story to the kids found HERE and let them draw their own testimony plant.

[Get the printable by clicking the picture below - thanks to oneshetwoshe.com].

Amazing, short article on the concept of testimony as more than just a list of facts -  When we seek a testimony, our goal is not to add to a list of doctrines that the Holy Ghost has told us are true. Rather, our goal is to develop a relationship with Divine persons.

Growing Your Testimony (see this section below)

  • A testimony is what you believe is true, like “God loves me” or “Families are forever.”
  • Like plants, everyone’s testimonies grow at different speeds. Heavenly Father is happy when your knowledge grows even a little.
  • Plants need water and sunlight to grow. Scriptures, prayer, and church are like water and light for your testimony.
  • Roots make plants strong. You can keep your testimony strong by remembering Heavenly Father and Jesus every day!

Believe or Doubt Testimony Intro Game

[Idea credit: teresakalssen]

Put an “I Believe It!” sign on one side of the room and an “I Doubt it!” sign on the other. different questions and statements (see below) and let the kids run to the side they picked in response to the questions and statements. 

Have you ever had a time when someone has told you something that you don’t quite believe is true? Today I'm going to tell you some things and if you believe what I am saying, go over to the I believe side….but if you doubt what I am saying and think it might not be true, then go over to the I doubt it side.

1. Did you know…..

Penguins can smell toothpaste from several miles away?

 Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


2. Did you know….

In Tokyo, Japan a bicycle is faster than a car for trips of less than 50 minutes?

Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


3. Did you know…

Every day, on average, 20 banks are robbed?

Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


4. Did you know…

50 years ago, M & Ms were candy-coated peas during a chocolate shortage?

Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


5. Did you know…

You are more likely to be stung by a bee in windy weather?

Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


6. Did you know…

When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second!

 Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


7. Did you know…

A violin contains about 70 pieces of wood?

Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


8. Did you know….

The Irish like Thomas the Tank Engine so much that they have put faces on all their trains?

Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


9. Did you know…

 A handy household tip: The elastic in your underwear will last twice as long if you freeze it after washing it?

 Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


10. Did you know…

They have square watermelons in Japan because they stack better?

Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


Transition to asking about gospel principles, beliefs and doubts, helping them identify what they believe, why they believe it, and what their doubts are and what they can do to lessen their doubts and increase their faith, using the activities listed above and below this section or any others you may think of. 

How To Gain a Testimony

Friend April 2020 “What’s on Your Mind”

I don’t feel any big answers when I pray. How can I know if I really have a testimony?


Testimony Folder Game 

Testimony Search Friend pg - click on the picture below to go to the pdf. 

We must prepare to receive a testimony.

How do we prepare to gain a testimony?

  • Desire to believe.
  • Search the scriptures & Pray.
  • Do the will of God.
  • Ponder and pray with faith in Christ.
  • Fast and pray often.

Let kids put keyword strip brick pieces on the "Testimony Prep" play pat page as you go through the lesson below. 

Show a picture of a brick wall. Ask the kids if the brick wall just magically appeared? (No).

How did it get there? (Someone had to build it). And what did they have to do before they built it? (Get/make bricks). So, they had to prepare to build the wall... That's like our testimonies. They don't just magically appear. We have to prepare to gain one (like getting or making the bricks) and once we do, we build and strengthen our testimonies bit by bit, just like how a brick wall is built, brick-by-brick.

So, how do we prepare to receive a testimony?...

If we want to build a brick wall, what do we have to have? (Bricks).

So we have to prepare and get or make bricks to be able to build our wall.

Do you know how bricks are made?  (Give a very brief overview of the steps. Point to the steps on the bricks folder page as you explain then relate to the ways we can prepare, build and strengthen our testimony.

There are different types of bricks but regardless of the type of brick, most follow a set process:

  • Collect materials = desire (Alma 32:26–27)
  • Add water* = search the scriptures (Doctrine and Covenants 9:7–9)
  • Crush/Grind = ask (pray) - (Moroni 10:3–5)
  • Form bricks = do God's will (John 7:17)
  • Dry bricks = ponder (Doctrine & Covenants 30:3)
  • Fire bricks = fast and pray often (Alma 5:45–46)

*binder (clay, cement, volcanic rock); filler (sand, stones), reinforcers (straw, moss, dry grasses).


Clay is one of the most abundant natural mineral materials on earth. For brick manufacturing, clay must possess some specific properties and characteristics. Such clays must have plasticity, which permits them to be shaped or molded when mixed with water; they must have sufficient wet and air-dried strength to maintain their shape after

forming. Also, when subjected to appropriate temperatures, the clay particles must fuse together. (Interesting that clay must have plasticity. How must we have plasticity? How does this relate to our testimony and the gospel?... Just as clay particles must fuse together to make the brick strong, we must fuse together with God and Jesus to be made strong)]. 

So once we've made our bricks, we can start building our wall. Just like a brick wall takes work to build, we have to put in effort all throughout our lives to build, keep and strengthen our testimonies.

So, we have to do more than just ask, just like we have to do more once we've made the bricks to get the wall built, to gain a testimony. (For each item, have the kids answer: "How can _________________ help us gain a testimony?").

Let kids add the testimony-building items on each part of the brick-making page steps.

One way we can do this is to study the scriptures and gospel. (D&C 9:7–9).

Another way is to do God's will. (John 7:17).

Another way is to ponder and pray in faith (Moroni 10:3-5).

Another way is to fast and pray often (Alma 5:45-46).

[Why is it sometimes difficult to develop trust in the Lord? How does our desire to gain a testimony or strengthen our testimonies affect our actions?]

Another way is to take the sacrament every week (D&C 59:9) so that we can qualify for the precious promise that we will “always have his Spirit to be with [us]” (D&C 20:77). Of course, that Spirit is the source of our testimonies. 

Another way is to bear/share your testimony, often. "A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it!" (Boyd K. Packer)


Imagine you have a large box filled with puzzle pieces created just for you. Using the picture on the front of the box, you try to put the puzzle together. When two pieces of your puzzle fit together, you know they belong. Testimonies work in a similar way. As you have spiritual experiences, different pieces of your testimony will start to fit together, and you will come to believe or know certain truths about the gospel.

How To Strengthen My Testimony


Picture(s) of a crumbling brick wall - (2 pictures in the printables library under "Crumbling Brick Wall Pics") Show on your tablet or print out, whichever is easiest. 

Show picture(s) of a crumbling brick wall.

If a brick wall sits idle and unattended for a long time, it will begin to crumble and fall.

The same thing can happen to our testimonies. 

President Harold B. Lee said: “Testimony isn’t something you have today, and you are going to have always. A testimony is fragile. It is as hard to hold as a moonbeam. It is something you have to recapture every day of your life” (quoted by J. M. Heslop in “President Harold B. Lee Directs Church; Led by the Spirit,” Church News, 15 July 1972, 4).

Elder George Q. Cannon wrote: “It is not enough that we knew of the truth of this work yesterday or the day before or a week or a month or a year ago; we ought to and must, in order to be happy, know it to be true to-day. … We can only retain the testimony of the truth in our heart by living near unto God” (Gospel Truth, sel. Jerreld L. Newquist [1957], 1:343).

“Like a growing plant, [a testimony] must be nurtured or it will wither. … Obedience to the commandments is part of the nourishment you must provide for your testimony.” (Henry B. Eyring) Testimony grows gradually through experiences. No one receives a complete testimony all at once. It grows as individuals show willingness to serve in the Church and to study, pray, and learn. It increases as individuals obey God’s commandments. Testimony grows as it is shared.

Read Alma 32:37–38. What things could we do that would cause us to lose our testimonies? (See extension activity below). 

Read Alma 32:41. How can we nourish our testimonies?

Read Alma 32:27 (experiment upon the word)

USE THE BUILDING FAITH PAGE from the Faith Play Mat Folder Game - Let kids place strips on the pages as you name and discuss all the things you can do to strengthen and sustain your testimony. 


  • Share Our Testimonies - “stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in...” (Mosiah 18:9). There has never been a greater need for us to profess our faith, privately and publicly (see D&C 60:2).

[Our children should also hear us bear our testimonies frequently. We should also strengthen our children by encouraging them to define themselves by their growing testimonies, not just by recognitions in scholarship, sports, or other school activities (1)]. 

  • Defend the truth (D&C 38:41) - When we encounter such misrepresentations, we have a duty to speak out to clarify our doctrine and what we believe. We should be the ones to state our beliefs rather than allowing others the final word in misrepresenting them. This calls for testimony.

  • Serve Others - We can strengthen our testimonies by becoming more Christlike. I have strengthened my testimony when I expressed the pure love of Christ and served others as the Savior did.

FOR YOUNG KIDS: Have them say, "I can strengthen my testimony by______________."


Create 10 word strips describing things that will help someone gain a testimony and a few others describing things that will not (use strips from faith folder game detailed above, write the additional ideas given above, and add in your own).

Place a long rope or string with 10 knots in it on the floor. Ask a child to stand at one end of the rope and hold a sign that says, “A Testimony of Jesus Christ.” Invite another child to stand at the other end of the rope with a sign that says, “I Can Gain.”

Let a child pick one word strip and read it out loud. If it describes something that will help us gain a testimony, have the child with the “I Can Gain” sign step forward one knot; if it does not lead to a testimony, have the child stay in place.

Repeat until the child reaches the other end of the rope. Have everyone say, “I can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ.” Explain that our testimonies never stop growing; as we continue to follow Jesus Christ and make right choices throughout our lives, our testimonies will continue to grow stronger.

Other Strengthening Testimony Ideas

Act It. Draw It.

Play charades and act out concepts such as those listed below or have the children take turns at the chalkboard, illustrating words or concepts having to do with strengthening testimonies. Make it fun to see how quickly the rest of the children can identify the picture.

Some possible words and concepts: praying, missionaries, going to church, reading the scriptures, family home evening, giving a talk in Primary, singing in Primary, sharing your testimony, attending testimony meeting and listening to testimonies, singing in primary, inviting a friend to activities or church, etc.

Build It. Blow It.

Construct a building out of blocks (or use these already prepared TESTIMONY BLOCKS) that have been labeled with things we can gain a testimonies of. (Examples: the Church, fasting, the gospel, Heavenly Father, the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, prayer, prophets, revelation, scriptures, tithing, the Word of Wisdom.) As you add each building block, ask children to explain how they can gain a testimony of their own about it (ex: listening to the prophet, praying, reading the scriptures, being a missionary, sharing the gospel, going to church, participating in family home evening, giving a talk in Primary, singing in Primary, obeying the Word of Wisdom, making wise choices and keeping the commandments). 


Write the word testimony on an uninflated balloon. Have the children suggest things that will help their testimonies grow, such as praying, reading the scriptures, and sharing their testimonies with others (see the suggestions in enrichment activity 1). As the children give each suggestion, blow some air into the balloon. Discuss how the balloon grows, just as their testimonies will grow if they do the things they have suggested.

What will happen to our testimonies if we do not do these things?

Slowly let the air out of the balloon, and explain that if we do nothing to keep them growing, our testimonies will shrink just like the balloon.

Write It. 

Instructions: Cut out the stones. Write a few words about your testimony of the thing referred to on each stone. A few stones have not been labeled; add your testimony about additional principles of the gospel on them. As you glue the stones in place on the fortress, think about how your testimony gives you strength and protection. Sing the song listed on each stone, or another song about the topic.

[Two crumbling brick wall pics available in the printables library under Testimony >> "Crumbling Wall Pics." Brick wall picture on left, click to go to PDF.]

Stumbling Blocks

“The difference between a stepping stone and a stumbling block is how high you lift your foot.”


Items to create objects that are in the way

Picture of Jesus

Put the picture of Jesus up at one end of a room. Make an obstacle course by putting objects that get in the way and make getting to Jesus hard. Invite kids to try and get through the obstacle course to Jesus one or two at a time. For older kids, make it even harder by telling them they have to go backwards, only on one foot, etc. 

Ask them what their stumbling blocks are.

Young Kids: Want what you want, hard to take turns, hard to share...

Older Kids: Peer pressure, time management, influence of technology, influence of the world, no friends, shy, bullying, being judged and judging others too harshly...

Here's some additional stumbling blocks you may want to discuss:

Accepting the Philosophies of Men & Refusing to See Sin as Sin

[We are committed to knowledge of every kind and believe “the glory of God is intelligence.” But we also know that the preferred strategy of the adversary is to lead people away from God and cause them to stumble by emphasizing the philosophies of men over the Savior and His teachings. (1 Corinthians 2:4–5)].

Ask: Has anyone ever told you something was ok when you knew it was wrong?

Read 2 Tim. 4:3-4. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth."

Lots of people in the world today say things are ok that God has said are not. Can you name some of those things? (Let kids name some things then discuss).

Read Isaiah 5:20. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

Looking Beyond the Mark.

When we elevate any principle in a way that lessens our commitment to other equally important principles or take a position contrary to or which exceeds teachings of Church leaders, we are looking beyond the mark. In addition, some members elevate causes, many of which are good, to a status superior to basic gospel doctrine. They substitute their devotion to the cause as their first commitment and relegate their commitment to the Savior and His teachings to a secondary position. If we elevate anything above our devotion to the Savior, if our conduct recognizes Him as just another teacher and not the divine Son of God, then we are looking beyond the mark. Jesus Christ is the mark!*

What To Do With Doubts

“Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:36).

Choose to Believe

“If you choose to keep believing, even for another day, it will be enough to keep you going until your testimony is stronger.”

Sometimes, there seems to be nothing there. Even then, you still have a choice. You can choose to continue to believe, even if the feelings and spiritual confirmations aren't there,

or not. 

Write down your spiritual experiences and testimony & re-read when in doubt.

Spiritual experiences confirm our testimonies and help us to endure moments of doubt and uncertainty (Doctrine and Covenants 6:22–23). 

Live like you believe or hope to believe.

To keep the commandments, you must know them. The best single source for learning them is the scriptures. So read them. If you don't have experience with something or someone, you won't get to know it or them better. As you live the gospel, you will have more experiences that will solidify your belief in the gospel. (D&C 82:10)

When you get out of bed in the morning, pray on your knees to your Father in Heaven, and listen. When you get up off your knees, go about the events of the day trying to live the gospel and be good to others. When the day ends, have another word of prayer, express love to Heavenly Father, thank Him, and ask for His help. Sometime between those two prayers, take time each day to read and think about the scriptures. Be sure to fast on fast Sunday and attend church every week.

Have children share experiences about how their testimonies have helped them choose the right.

Keep Your Heart Open

If you are not open to the hope of believing and that your faith can grow, you won't allow for that growth to happen.

As packets of knowledge unfold, they must be understood, valued, obeyed, remembered, and expanded.*

Testimony Tool Box

God has given us tools to build a strong testimony. Cut out the tools and add to your toolbox as you talk about how you can make each tool part of your daily life. (Printable FREE HERE). 

Be Bold

One of the things we agree to do as part of the baptismal covenant is “to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in” (Mosiah 18:9). And incidentally, we renew this covenant every week when we partake of the sacrament.

Ask kids to ponder what they would do in the following situations:

  • A friend posts something untrue about the Church on social media.
  • A coach schedules a tournament that requires your team to play on Sunday.
  • Your friends ask your opinion about a social issue that is generally popular and supported but is contrary to the teachings of the Church.

(Come up with additional situations. Talk about how they can be bold AND respectful).

In the April 2014 general conference, several speakers reminded us that there will be times when standing as a witness of God will mean having to face opposition, criticism, and ridicule. Will you be brave and take the uncomfortable, uncool, or unpopular step of defending your beliefs or remain silent?

Use the points from THIS CHURCH POST as a lesson. (Read the scripture and quote. Discuss the point by role-playing or otherwise). Let kids color, cut and paste the points on to the "Dare to Defend" shield page (available in the printables library CFM 2023 Jan-Jun bundle). 



Children's Songbook

Did Jesus Really Live Again? (#64)

I Am a Child of God (#2)

I Know My Father Lives (#5)

I Want to Be a Missionary Now (#168)

Jesus Has Risen (#70)

On a Golden Springtime (#88)

Search, Ponder, and Pray (#109)

Stand for the Right (#159)

The Church of Jesus Christ (#77)

This Is My Beloved Son (#76)

My Testimony Grows (Friend magazine)

My Testimony is Growing (Friend magazine)

LDS Hymns

Bless Our Fast, We Pray (#138)

Called to Serve (#249)

Glory to God on High (#67)

Go Forth with Faith (#263)

I Believe in Christ (#134)

I Know My Father Lives (#302)

I Know That My Redeemer Lives (#136)

In Fasting We Approach Thee (#139)

My Redeemer Lives (#135)

Testimony (#137)

The Lord Is My Light (#89)

Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls (#157)

We Meet Again as Sisters (#311)




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