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We Believe That A Man Must Be Called Of God...

Priesthood Lessons, Activities & Songs for Kids

Priesthood, gospel topics index, See also: See also Aaronic Priesthood; Authority; Keys of the Priesthood; Melchizedek Priesthood; Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood; Ordain, Ordination; Power; Magnify Callings; Qualifying for

Keyword Topics: priesthood lds, priesthood bible lesson for kids, baptism of jesus, baptism primary lessons, lds primary, baptism come follow me lessons and activities, come follow me for families, come follow me primary, priesthood songs for kids, baptism kids printables, lds primary printables, aaronic priesthood, Melchezedik priesthood, priesthood power, worthiness, priesthood blessings

From learning what the priesthood is to the offices, keys, authority and ordinances, with a range of activities fit for a variety of ages, these Priesthood Activities are perfect for your family come follow me and primary lessons!

Priesthood Activities List:

  • Priesthood Folder Game Bundle
  • What Is The Priesthood Pinwheel & Lamp Object Lessons
  • Without the Priesthood  - In the Dark Story object lesson
  • Priesthood Authority & Offices
  • Priesthood Offices & Keys
  • Priesthood Ordinances
  • Priesthood Preparation
  • Priesthood Blessings
  • Priesthood Videos


  • The Priesthood helps me and blesses my life.
  • What is the priesthood?
  • Priesthood Power vs. Priesthood Authority
  • Jesus Christ uses His priesthood power to bless others.
  • I can use the priesthood to bless others. 
  • Priesthood Ordinances help us return to our Father in Heaven & helps us through life.
  • Offices and Keys of the Priesthood
  • When we live the gospel we will be prepared to accept the responsibilities and enjoy the blessings of the priesthood.

The concepts of priesthood power vs. priesthood keys, vs. priesthood authority, vs. priesthood offices, can be quite confusing. If we don't understand the concepts as adults, how can we teach our children?

After at least 100+ hrs, reading every article on the priesthood in talks, manuals, etc....I could get my hands on, and spending waaaay too much time trying to figure out how to relate these concepts to kids, this post and the accompanying resources, was created.

I've done my best to make the concepts and supporting materials kid-relatable as well as something that will work for families with a variety of age levels and that can be tailored for primary or young men/young women lessons appropriate to the class age, all based on teachings that follow the scriptures and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

This was a HUGE labor of love. I hope you find it helpful. If you do, support this site and the resources by grabbing the Priesthood Play Mat Folder Games Bundle or donating

The folder game bundle is one of the most all-encompassing priesthood learning resources for children online. It incorporates almost every aspect of the priesthood (save for the restoration), including what the priesthood is to keys, offices, ordinances and more, and put's it into easily digestible format, sections and activities. 

The article gives additional ideas, priesthood resource links and suggestions on teaching the concepts of the priesthood to children. Not all concepts and ideas may be appropriate to teach at all age levels. Tailor what you use and how you teach for whatever age you need.

Please note that additional and more complex "notes" have been included here in [   ] brackets as well as by clicking the "+" near the bottom of the page. You may use these or not as you see fit, in your lessons with older children. 

Also note that it's not suggested to do all of these activities in one setting. You can break up each concept and do one a day, for example, with a review activity at the end of the week (for home), or simply pick and choose which of the ideas and activities listed below you'd like to use in your church Sunday class lessons. 

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This Priesthood Folder Game bundle is one of the most comprehensive teaching tools online and is the perfect resource for at home or in church use for teaching primary and young men/young women lessons on the priesthood! 

This folder game bundle includes:

*Easy to understand visuals (Access to God's Priesthood Power, Priesthood Authority)

*Priesthood Power Q&A Match Game

*Priesthood Keys Q&A Match Game

*Priesthood Keys Calling Match Game

*Priesthood Offices Match 

*Priesthood Oath & Covenants

*Priesthood Ordinances (Aaronic & Melchizedek)

*Saving Ordinances

*Priesthood Blessings

What Is The Priesthood?


Priesthood Play Mat Folder Game Bundle


Two small lamps (that have on/off switches)

Priesthood Circles Chart - in the printables library

(Optional) Pictures of: 

  • Space & Matter
  • The Earth
  • Jesus in Clouds

Priesthood Power Q/A play mat page - use along with the priesthood activity ideas listed below. 

OR, use the Q/A priesthood power page as a lesson review/quiz game to see how much the kids learned and remembered about their lesson on the priesthood.

OR, use the Q/A page as the activity itself, asking kids a question, having them look up the corresponding scriptures listed, then matching with the correct answer.


Show the children the pinwheel. Have each child come to the front of the class and blow on it  to make it turn. What makes the windmill turn? (The power of the wind.) What would happen if there were no wind?

Explain that wind can be a powerful force. It can draw water up from the ground, or it can give power to large machines. Tell the children that today they will learn about a power much stronger than the wind and that power is called the priesthood.  

What is the Priesthood?

Tell the kids there are two parts to the definition of the priesthood. The first is that the priesthood is GOD'S POWER. 

[The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God by which He blesses, redeems, and exalts His children AND the power and authority of God delegated to man to act in His behalf on the Earth. / The priesthood is the power and authority of God given for the salvation and blessing of all—men, women, and children.]. 

What is God's power? (Show pictures of each item listed below, if you have them). 

  • Through this power God created and governs the heavens and the earth.
  • By this power the universe is kept in perfect order.
  • Through this power God accomplishes His work and glory, which is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).
  • Through this power and through righteous living (of our ordinances and covenants) we can return to Him again someday.  
  • Through this power Jesus performed many miracles (feed 5,000, heal sick, cast out devils, walk on water, calm storm, raise dead...)

[Through its power, worlds—even universes—have, are, and will be created or organized. Through its power, ordinances are performed which, when accompanied by righteousness, allow families to be together forever, sins to be forgiven, the sick to be healed, the blind to see, and even life to be restored.*]

You can watch a short video from Latter Day Kids on God's Priesthood Power HERE.

Let's talk a little bit more about God's power before we go to the second part of the definition on what the priesthood is...

Power Lamp Analogy

Lamp Picture Page - in printables library

Use a small lamp to help illustrate the meaning of the word power. Display the light in a place where everyone can see it, but leave it unplugged. Ask, "Do you know what power is?"

Say “I’m going to turn on this light.” Attempt to turn on the light several times while the children watch. (Make sure before you plug in the lamp the switch is set to "on" so it will light up when you plug it in).

Why won’t this light turn on? (It’s not plugged in.)

Can the light work by itself? Or does it need something else to make light? (It needs something else.)

What does the light need in order to make light? (Power/electricity.)

If it’s not plugged in to the power, will it ever work? (No.)

So, the lamp is us and the electricity is God's power, His priesthood power.

We all have access to the blessings of God's priesthood power, just like the lamp has access to the electricity. 

Plug in the lamp so the light turns on. 

Now here I have another lamp.

What do you think will happen when I plug this lamp in?

Will it turn on too?

(Make sure before you plug this lamp in the switch is set to "OFF" so it won't turn on when you plug it in). Plug in the lamp.

Ok, so I plugged in the lamp and connected it with the electricity so, why isn't it turning on?

Oh, look! The lamp switch is off. Let's see what happens if I switch it to on...

(Turn the lamp on by switching it on.) Now it's working.

Priesthood power is just like this. God's love and power (the electricity) are always there BUT, if we aren't living righteously, (turn light off) we cut ourselves off from His power, just like a lamp that's unplugged or plugged in but can't access the electricity, because it's "off."  You may say you are "plugged in" to God and His power but if you aren't living righteously (turn lamp on), you won't have access to God's power and be able to shine your light (turn lamp off).

And just like a pinwheel has access to the wind, we all have access to priesthood power and blessings. But, just like the wind can be little or nothing at all, or strong enough to cause hurricanes and great floods, the amount of priesthood power we can have depends on how righteous and faithful we are.


[YM/YW Extension IDEA: Concept - While the power of the priesthood is unlimited, our individual power in the priesthood is limited by our degree of righteousness or purity.

Just because you've been ordained (or someone has been ordained) to the priesthood doesn't mean you have God's priesthood power if you aren't living righteously. Ex: A Young Woman tells how she was made fun of by young men in her ward, who she'd then see participating in duties of the priesthood on Sunday, like preparing, passing or blessing the sacrament, but how they weren't really worthy to do those things because they were not living they way they should. This is also double-y bad because it's hypocritical]. 

So, priesthood power, and how much of that priesthood power we access-for anyone, comes from personal righteousness. (God’s priesthood power flows to all members of the Church—female and male—as they keep the covenants they have made with Him).



  • Candle
  • Low light item
  • Very bright light item

You can just use PINWHEEL & WIND as the example (see above) with weak to no wind vs very strong wind, or use the additional example below. 

If you were lost in a dark forest, which light would you like to have (turn off lights then show the light of the candle, then the low light item, then the very bright light item).

Which light would you like to have? (The brightest one).

This is just like God's power and how much we can access. If we aren't living righteously, we won't have a strong light, and maybe not even have any light at all. But the more faith we have, the more righteous we live and become, the more access to greater and greater power we'll have, and eventually we can become just like God... Isn't that an exciting thought? 


[The purpose of priesthood power is to help you access the grace of Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice and become more like Him. His priesthood power allows you to receive revelation, make decisions that lead you back to Him, and help you accomplish the work of salvation. Priesthood power includes all the resources of God’s knowledge and omnipotence that can be accessed by men and women of covenant—through the gifts of the Holy Ghost and in the name of Jesus Christ—to use for authorized priesthood purposes].


Make the room as dark as possible. Then tell the children the story of a group of tourists who went into a deep, dark cave. Once inside the cave the guide turned off the lights, waited for a few minutes, and then asked each person to point in the direction of the exit. When the lights came back on, people were pointing in all different directions.

Make your room light again, and share the following quotation from Elder Robert D. Hales: “If the power of the priesthood were not upon the earth, the adversary would have freedom to roam and reign without restraint. There would be no gift of the Holy Ghost to direct and enlighten us; no prophets to speak in the name of the Lord; no temples where we could make sacred, eternal covenants; no authority to bless or baptize, to heal or comfort. … There would be no light, no hope—only darkness” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1995, p. 40; or Ensign, Nov. 1995, p. 32).

Ask the children what blessings they have seen or experienced as a result of the priesthood.

Share your own testimony and experiences of the blessings of the priesthood. 

Priesthood Authority & Offices


Priesthood Play Mat Folder Game Bundle 

Use the Priesthood Authority visual page (keys & offices / church callings)

as you discuss priesthood authority & offices.

So, the first part of the priesthood definition (point to yellow circle*), is God's power.

*Show the kids the Priesthood circles diagram.

Reiterate that we all have access to the powers of heaven (the yellow circle / lamp analogy), male & female. How do we access that power? By having faith and living righteously.

Ask if anyone knows the second part of the definition of the priesthood...

The other part of the definition of the priesthood (the red/blue circles -priesthood keys and priesthood offices), is...

The authority God gives men to do His work on earth.

Since God isn't here with us on Earth, He gives men his priesthood authority to act for Him.

[President Spencer W. Kimball said of the Melchizedek Priesthood: “It is the means whereby the Lord acts through men to save souls." Priesthood authority is the permission or license to perform specific priesthood duties and comes from ordination to priesthood office and from being set apart for callings in the church. (Dallin H. Oaks, “The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood,” Ensign, May 2014)]. 

What's authority? What does authority mean?

In your school classroom, who is in charge? That's right, your teacher. They have authority over your class. They lead, serve and teach the students, right? 

What about at home? Who is in charge at home? That's right, your parents. 

Authority is who is in charge of serving and leading others. 

Do parents have any authority over your school class? Nope. They only have authority over their own house and children. What about a teacher? Does a teacher have authority over other classes or the school? Nope. They only have authority over their classroom. What about a school principal? Can they go to another school and be the principal there? No. They only have the authority of watching over and serving their school. 

That's like the authority of the priesthood. God has the ultimate authority but since He's not here on the earth with us, He gives priesthood authority and power to His children to lead and serve each other. But not everyone can be in charge of everything and everyone. Then everything would be a mess!

So, who has priesthood authority?

Show the kids the Priesthood circles diagram.

In the priesthood, there are three types of authority:

  • Authority received through ordination to the priesthood - given to all male members of the church (BLUE circle on the Priesthood Diagram; also see Priesthood Offices Match folder game page). 
  • Authority of priesthood keys - given to some men of the church (RED CIRCLE on the Priesthood Diagram; also see priesthood keys folder game pages)
  • Delegated priesthood authority (GREEN CIRCLES on the Priesthood diagram) - given to men and woman in the church through callings.

[Good Article on the Priesthood for YM from Seminary Manual].

[The priesthood is not divisible. An elder holds as much priesthood as an Apostle. (See D&C 20:38.) When a man receives the priesthood, he receives all of it. However, there are offices within the priesthood—divisions of authority and responsibility. One may exercise his priesthood according to the rights of the office to which he is ordained or set apart]. 

Do you know how God gives His priesthood to men?

When a male in the church turns twelve, they can receive the priesthood. This happens when other worthy men lay their hands on the boys head and give him a blessing where the priesthood is conferred upon them. Conferred means blessed by those with the proper priesthood authority. [To confer the priesthood or ordain a person to a priesthood office, one or more men who hold the required priesthood and who have been authorized by the presiding authority place their hands lightly on the person’s head].

What priesthood power & authority do men have once it's conferred upon them?

The priesthood allows men to direct and organize the affairs of the church and perform ordinances. [Men have the authority and responsibility to organize and lead the church and perform ordinances through offices within the priesthood—divisions of authority and responsibility. One may exercise his priesthood according to the rights of the office to which he is ordained or set apart].

Holding the priesthood doesn't automatically give one super powers.** Priesthood holders can't just wave their hands and make a chair move, though any of us, male or female, if we have enough faith, can move mountains (Mark 11:23), whether we hold the priesthood or not, through GOD'S (priesthood) power. (Explanation note: While the miracle is tied to the power of the faith of the person, faith is not the power that actually performs the miracle – Priesthood power is. By this, I mean that faith is the thing God requires before He performs the miracle, but it’s still God’s power that performs or accomplishes the miracle. And God’s power is Priesthood power). 


[**Additional Notes:

“Priesthood is the greatest power on earth. Worlds were created by and through the priesthood.”* 

... Jesus walked on water, Moses parted the Red sea, and many other works of miraculous power and magnitude have happened through God's priesthood power.

“While the power of the priesthood is unlimited, our individual power in the priesthood is limited by our degree of righteousness or purity...

This question will come up from some of your sons and daughters so, it's best to be prepared. Here's a few thoughts:

What does the priesthood have to do with me as a girl? Why don't girls hold the priesthood?

Simple answer: Because that's how God set it up.

Let's have“Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things."

[President Ballard: “Why are men—and not women—ordained to priesthood offices? … The Lord has not revealed why He has organized His Church as He has..." Sometimes “I don’t know” really is the best answer. We must search diligently in the light of faith to learn divine truth].

Show a picture of a cow and ask,

What's this..." A cow. And what does that cow do? Gives milk.

Show a picture of a chicken and ask,

What's this... A chicken. And what does a chicken do? Lays eggs.

Are both of these animals equally important? (Yes). Just as we are to Heavenly Father.

We are all children of God. 

But what if the chicken wants to give milk and the cow wants to lay eggs?

That's not how God organized things. But, He doesn't deny the cow or chicken any of His blessings and power. It's the same with men and woman and the priesthood. 

However we feel, do we have faith in Heavenly Father? In Jesus? In His plan? Can we admit we only have a partial view and not the whole picture? 


Ask them if they can tell you what that picture is. Nope. Can they tell you what they see in that section. Yes. Explain that's a lot like many of the things in the gospel. There are many things we may wonder about and not have answers for.

But, do we believe in God and Jesus and their gospel? 

The D&C has specific revelation on the priesthood. Do we believe in Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, in these other revealed scriptures?

Not all scripture has been restored to the earth. Not all priesthood keys have been restored to the earth, including the keys of creation and resurrection. We don't know all the why's and how's and when's. We only have a tiny bit of the picture.

What we know now is that we need to have faith and continue learning and growing "line upon line," and live righteously. There is enough to do right now. Let's fill up all that we've been asked and blessed with, all the things God has currently given us, instead of neglecting those things because we are too worried about all the rest. 


Yes, woman have delegated priesthood authority through callings. They serve in many callings and have many church responsibilities. BUT WHAT CAN  WE DO NOW? YW ASK...

There are countless ways each young person, and young women in particular can get more involved in serving others. These ideas are merely suggestions for those wanting to do more AT CHURCH on Sundays.

*Stand by the chapel doors and open the doors for people and say hello as they come in.

[You don't have to be invited to do that. (I usually sat on the couch for sacrament because the benches and chairs are too hard for my back and cause too much pain from an old back injury). So, as people came in, I often would open the doors for people - to help moms and dads with their arms full of kids, diaper bags... Or for many elderly men and woman, or simply just to be nice for those that didn't need me to open the door for them at all]. 

*Come early or stay later and help set up and take-down chairs , if and when needed depending on your meeting schedule and building needs.

*Ask if you can stand at the chapel doors and hand out the Sunday program.

*If you see a parent having a rough time during sacrament with their little children, quietly go sit by them and offer to help. 

*Find out about who washes and irons the sacrament table cloth. Maybe that is something you can do to participate in sacrament preparation.

*You can make a loaf of bread to be used for the sacrament, or buy one if you don't like to cook. Or even better, buy or make a loaf and take it with a nice note to someone who is home-bound and can't attend sacrament meeting so they can have bread to take the sacrament at home. Even if they already have bread, the simple act of kindness will bring them joy - that someone remembered and thought about them and cared enough to stop by. 

*Go tracting with the sister missionaries.

The priesthood is a call to serve and there are many ways to serve. How else can you serve?


"A man may open the drapes so the warm sunlight comes into the room, but the man does not own the sun or the light or the warmth it brings. The blessings of the priesthood are infinitely greater than the one who is asked to administer the gift.”*

The greatest power God has given to His sons cannot be exercised without the companionship of one of His daughters, because only to His daughters has God given the power “to be a creator of bodies … so that God’s design and the Great Plan might meet fruition.” Those are the words of President J. Reuben Clark. He continued: “This is the place of our wives and of our mothers in the Eternal Plan. They are not bearers of the Priesthood; they are not charged with carrying out the duties and functions of the Priesthood; nor are they laden with its responsibilities; they are builders and organizers under its power, and partakers of its blessings, possessing the complement of the Priesthood powers and possessing a function as divinely called, as eternally important in its place as the Priesthood itself.*

***These days it's basically rare for people to follow through with their callings and do service... That's why it's general the same faithful few in wards fulfilling more than their share, while the majority say no they can't serve and sit back or say yes but then don't fulfill their callings, like the parable of the two sons...

President Gordon B. Hinckley, fifteenth President of the Church: “This church does not belong to its President. Its head is the Lord Jesus Christ, whose name each of us has taken upon ourselves [at baptism]. We are all in this great endeavor together. We are here to assist our Father in His work and His glory, ‘to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man’ (Moses 1:39). Your obligation is as serious in your sphere of responsibility as is my obligation in my sphere. No calling in this church is small or of little consequence. All of us in the pursuit of our duty touch the lives of others” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1995, p. 94; or Ensign, May 1995, p. 71).

Whoever exercises priesthood authority should forget about their rights and concentrate on their responsibilities. That is a principle needed in society at large. The famous Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is quoted as saying, “It is time … to defend not so much human rights as human obligations.” Latter-day Saints surely recognize that qualifying for exaltation is not a matter of asserting rights but a matter of fulfilling responsibilities.* The priesthood is really a call to serve. And women have so many ways they can serve (list) and never-ending influence regardless. 

President Ballard taught, “All who have made sacred covenants with the Lord and who honor those covenants are eligible to receive personal revelation, to be blessed by the ministering of angels, to commune with God, to receive the fulness of the gospel, and, ultimately, to become heirs alongside Jesus Christ of all our Father has.”

If we show dedication and responsibility in service in all the ways that are available to us, then God will say: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." (Matthew 25:21). 

Equal Does Not Mean The Same

Men and women are equal in God’s eyes and in the eyes of the Church, but equal does not mean the same. The responsibilities and divine gifts of men and women differ in their nature but not in their importance or influence. Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “In our Heavenly Father’s great priesthood-endowed plan, men have the unique responsibility to administer the priesthood, but they are not the priesthood. Men and women have different but equally valued roles. Just as a woman cannot conceive a child without a man, so a man cannot fully exercise the power of the priesthood to establish an eternal family without a woman. In other words, in the eternal perspective, both the procreative power and the priesthood power are shared by husband and wife.”*

God does not regard either gender as better or more important than the other. President Hinckley declared to women that “our Eternal Father … never intended that you should be less than the crowning glory of His creations.”

How Can Women Access Priesthood Power?

How can women access priesthood power? All women have access to priesthood power through their baptismal and temple covenants. You are blessed with priesthood power as you faithfully keep those covenants. President Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972) instructed: “The blessings of the priesthood are not confined to men alone. These blessings are also poured out upon … all the faithful women of the Church. … The Lord offers to his daughters every spiritual gift and blessing that can be obtained by his sons.”*

We always feel sad when we hear a woman say, “I don’t have the priesthood in my home.” She generally means there is no one holding a priesthood office in the home. Be assured that a single woman or a woman whose husband doesn’t hold a priesthood office is not cut off from priesthood power and blessings. Sisters who work to keep covenants with the Lord can themselves be a source of priesthood power for their own homes.*

Women Have Priesthood Authority

President Oaks said: “We are not accustomed to speaking of women having the authority of the priesthood in their Church callings, but what other authority can it be? When a woman—young or old—is set apart to preach the gospel as a full-time missionary, she is given priesthood authority to perform a priesthood function. The same is true when a woman is set apart to function as an officer or teacher in a Church organization under the direction of one who holds the keys of the priesthood.”*

In addition, when men and women go to the temple, they are both endowed with the same power, which by definition is priesthood power.

Two Women's Thoughts

I would suggest, then, that we do tell our children the truth. No one ever lied to me when they told me how valuable I was in my Heavenly Father’s (and Mother’s) eyes. But I fear we are getting hung up on the details and it is overshadowing the real message. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” My own daughters were never envious that their brother could pass the sacrament and they couldn’t. I taught my girls the priesthood didn’t make their brother any better than they were. It’s a commission to serve and there are many ways to serve.

In Anne Osborn Poelman’s book, “The Simeon Solution” she recounts a conversation she had with an accomplished professional woman who is not of our faith, who wanted to know how Mormon women felt about not holding the priesthood. This is what she told her:

“I think it’s important to look at things from an eternal perspective. One of the things that’s very meaningful to me is what I’ve learned in the temple from the covenants we make there. I think no religion holding as one of its fundamental tenets that the seed of godhood is in every man and every woman and that neither can achieve it without the other could by any reasonable, fair definition be called sexist.

“I’m not sure exactly how to put this. You may think my view is rather simplistic. I don’t know precisely why modern-day women in the Church don’t hold priesthood offices. 

“I know the gospel is true. I also know the restored Church is the Lord’s church. And I really believe that if and when it’s appropriate, any changes will be made by revelation through the prophet."

Priesthood Offices & Keys (i.e. Aaronic & Melchizedek Priesthood)

[One of the best articles I found explaining priesthood keys most clearly was a Latter Day Saint Magazine article from a talk by Dallin H. Oaks, which you can read HERE].


Priesthood Play Mat Folder Game 

Let kids match the Priesthood keys answers with the questions.

Let kids add the priesthood authority people as you discuss who holds Priesthoood keys. 

For Young Children:

Show the children some keys, and ask what we use keys for. Explain that Peter and the other Apostles received priesthood keys from Jesus. These keys “unlock” blessings for us and open the way to heaven. For example, priesthood keys allow us to be baptized and take the sacrament. Give the children paper keys, and have them write some blessings that priesthood keys “unlock.”

For Older Children:

What are the two priesthoods?

Aaronic & Melchizedek priesthood (see additional notes by clicking the + under "Additional Notes" near the bottom of the page). The priesthood is greater than any of its offices. It is from the Priesthood that the office derives its authority and power. No office gives authority to the Priesthood. No office adds to the power of the Priesthood. But all offices in the Church derive their power, their virtue, their authority, from the Priesthood.

The Melchizedek Priesthood is sometimes referred to as the higher priesthood, while the Aaronic Priesthood is referred to as the lesser, or preparatory, priesthood. The Aaronic Priesthood is a part of the Melchizedek Priesthood and works under its direction. Both parts of the priesthood were restored to Joseph Smith.*

The priesthood is not divisible. An elder holds as much priesthood as an Apostle. (See D&C 20:38.) When a man receives the priesthood, he receives all of it. However, there are offices within the priesthood—divisions of authority and responsibility. One may exercise his priesthood according to the rights of the office to which he is ordained or set apart.

“The Melchizedek Priesthood holds the right of presidency, and has power and authority over all the offices in the church in all ages of the world, to administer in spiritual things.” (D&C 107:8.)

Whoever holds the Melchizedek Priesthood or higher priesthood holds all of the authority of the Aaronic or lesser priesthood as well.What are priesthood offices?

Divisions of authority and responsibility.

(See priesthood offices folder page match game)

What are the keys of the priesthood?

The keys of the priesthood are the right to preside and direct the affairs of the Church within a jurisdiction. Or, to put more simply: "Priesthood keys are the authority to direct the use of the priesthood." (CFM Apr 10-17, 2023)

A simple explanation of priesthood keys is found in the May 2012 New Era:

“With a set of keys, you can do a lot of things that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do—enter buildings, drive cars, and open trunks, among other things. Keys, basically, mean authority and access.*

*Tie in Authority discussion above (i.e. teacher vs parent vs principal)

“The same is true of priesthood keys. They control access to the blessings and ordinances of the priesthood. … Priesthood keys are the right to preside over and direct the Church. … Keys usually apply to a geographic area, like a ward, stake, or mission. They also usually include authority over specific ordinances and activities (for instance, baptism, the sacrament, missionary work, and temple work).”*

Priesthood keys is “the authority God has given to priesthood [holders] to direct, control, and govern the use of His priesthood on earth.”*

Priesthood Offices are NOT RANKS

The idea of rank is present in a hierarchical system in which those at a higher level, or rank, have some measure of authority over those at a lower level, or rank. Military ranking is a classic example – a sergeant outranks a private and a captain outranks a lieutenant. Those at a higher rank have the authority to command, order, or instruct those at a lower rank. However, that is not how it works in the priesthood.

The concept of “rank”, as commonly understood in terms of hierarchy and authority, is completely irrelevant to the priesthood. Nobody in the church has any authority over any other person by virtue of his priesthood office. No one. Priesthood provides the authority to perform certain actions and activities, namely ordinances and specified duties, but provides no authority over any other person. A higher priesthood office provides more authority, and therefore more responsibility, but does not give any authority over anyone of a lower priesthood office or over anyone without a priesthood office.

A Deacon has no authority whatsoever over anyone in the church who does not have the priesthood. He does not have the authority to instruct anyone, assign anything to anyone, reprimand anyone, or counsel anyone. No one is expected seek out a Deacon’s guidance on anything or to give any deference to his opinion. Likewise, those in a higher priesthood office have no authority like that over someone with a lower priesthood office. A High Priest has no authority to instruct, assign, reprimand, or counsel an Elder. An Elder is not expected to seek out a High Priest for guidance on anything or to give any deference to a High Priest’s opinion. 

Ranking is only relevant to callings. The Bishop outranks everyone in the ward. The Relief Society President outranks all the women in the ward Relief Society. The Sunday School President outranks the Sunday School teachers. The Elders Quorum President who holds the office of Elder outranks all the High Priests in the quorum. The Primary President outranks all the Melchizedek Priesthood holders who are called as primary teachers.

In the church, the difference between an office and a calling is duration. An office is permanent, until the office changes, and a calling is temporary. Offices and callings both have authority and responsibility but only within the scope of that office or that calling. A Deacon has authority and responsibility that the Relief Society President does not have and likewise the Relief Society President has authority and responsibility that the Deacon does not have. The Deacon has no authority or responsibility over the Relief Society President and the Relief Society President has no authority over the Deacon (unless she’s also his mother) but may have some responsibility over him since she part of the ward welfare committee.

“Rank” and authority are not synonymous and the fact that person A has authority that person B does not have does not give person A any “rank” over person B. The Beehive president in your ward has authority, leadership authority no less, but she doesn’t outrank you unless you are one of the Beehives in her class. The Primary Secretary has authority but doesn’t outrank anyone. The Choir Director has authority over the ward choir but doesn’t outrank anyone. Authority and “rank” are not the same. Priesthood offices give authority but do not give any “rank”.

Priesthood Ordinances


Priesthood Play Mat Folder Game


Let kids place the pieces on the ordinances page as you discuss priesthood ordinances. 

When kids graduate from high school they go to a ceremony, an event, called graduation. They walk up on stage, shake hands and receive their diploma. That is a special thing, right? We call graduation a ceremony.   

To graduate, students have to do certain things, right? Like go to school and do their homework and pass their tests. Well, to get back to Heavenly Father, we also have to do certain things, and participate in certain special events or ceremonies as members of the church, which are called ordinances.

Just like the principal of a school is in charge of the graduation ceremony, overseeing and directing it, those with the proper priesthood keys (authority) oversee and direct the priesthood*, making it possible for us to take part in priesthood ordinances that will help us "graduate", or return to Heavenly Father some day. 

*see THIS article for additional examples...

("A clear, practical example of priesthood keys in action is witnessed every Sunday...")


What are those saving ordinances?  Give kids an ordinance tag from the folder game (in order - baptism, confirmation, priesthood ordination, temple endowment, temple sealing).

For each ordinance tag: 

Ask the kids what's happening in the picture.

Then have them place the ordinance tag on the path to Jesus play mat page. 

As they place that ordinance on the page, have them say, "Through the priesthood I can be _______." (Ex: baptized, confirmed, ordained, endowed, sealed).

Talk about other blessings of the priesthood and let kids add those cards to the "Priesthood Blessings" play mat page... Have them say, "Through the priesthood I can _________." (i.e. be blessed when I am sick, given a blessing of help and comfort, receive a patriarchal blessing, be sealed forever to my family, become more like God-be made pure, gain eternal life).

[See the "Additional Notes" section at the bottom of the page for a few good quotes on blessings of the priesthood].

Ordinances and covenants help us remember who we are. They remind us of our duty to God. The Lord has provided them to help us come unto Him and receive eternal life. When we honor them, He strengthens us.


(An ordinance is a sacred religious ceremony performed in accordance with God's law and by authority of the priesthood).

Some ordinances are essential to our exaltation. These ordinances are called saving ordinances. They include baptism, confirmation, ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood (for men), the temple endowment, and the marriage sealing. With each of these ordinances, we enter into solemn covenants with the Lord.

There are other ordinances that are not essential to our salvation but that make it possible for us to receive His power, healing, comfort, and guidance. These are things such as naming and blessing children, consecrating oil, administering to the sick and afflicted, blessing and passing the sacrament, setting apart members to serve in callings, dedicating homes, dedicating graves, and patriarchal blessings by ordained patriarchs. These are also performed by priesthood authority. 

Preparing for & Honoring the Priesthood


Priesthood Play Mat Folder Game


Look up the scriptures on the grey Oath & Covenant tabs and let kids add the tabs to the Priesthood Oath & Covenants page.

President Harold B. Lee counseled: “We must say, ‘Because I am a holder of the priesthood of the living God, I am a representative of our Heavenly Father and hold the priesthood by which He can work through me; I can’t stoop to do some of the things that I might have done otherwise because of my fellowship with the priesthood of God. …’

“And that is what the holders of the priesthood must say to themselves: ‘We can’t be holders of the priesthood and be like other men. We must be different’” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1973, 115; or Ensign, Jan. 1974, 97).

Remember, men are NOT the priesthood. Men hold the priesthood, with a sacred duty to use it for the blessing of all of the children of God.

We can all ask ourselves:

Is there anything I am doing that is not right for a priesthood holder/for a disciple of Christ to do? Am I taking the priesthood seriously enough that it influences all my actions? Am I remembering my baptismal covenant where I took upon myself Jesus's name? 

Very good article on preparing YM for the Aaronic Priesthood HERE.

Blessings of the Priesthood


Priesthood Play Mat Folder Game


Let kids place the blessings cards on the blessings of the priesthood play mat page (see above under Priesthood Ordinances page section). 

When we keep the commandments, there are specific blessings and promises given by the

Lord. A few examples from the scriptures are:

  • When you pay tithing, the Lord says: “I will…open you the windows of heaven…and pour
  • you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
  • When you keep the Word of Wisdom you “shall find wisdom and great treasures of
  • knowledge.”
  • When you participate actively in Relief Society and minister to others, “the angels
  • cannot be restrained from being your associates.”
  • And when you keep your baptismal and temple covenants “the doctrine of the
  • priesthood shall distill upon [your] soul as the dews from heaven.”


“A man may open the drapes so the warm sunlight comes into the room, but the man does not own the sun or the light or the warmth it brings. The blessings of the priesthood are infinitely greater than the one who is asked to administer the gift.”

—Elder Neil L. Andersen, “Power in the Priesthood,” Liahona, Nov. 2013, 92.

Friend August 2021 “The Power of a Priesthood Blessing”

Heavenly Father’s priesthood power blesses our lives in many ways. The cards below show some of the blessings we can all have because of the priesthood. Cut them out and put them face down. Then take turns choosing one and telling how it has helped you or will help you someday!


* Show the children a rock as you read Matthew 16:18 with them. Repeat with them the phrase “upon this rock I will build my church,” adding actions to go along with the words. Explain that the Church is built upon the “rock” of revelation.

*Show the children some keys, and ask what we use keys for. Explain that Peter and the other Apostles received priesthood keys from Jesus. These keys “unlock” blessings for us and open the way to heaven. For example, priesthood keys allow us to be baptized and take the sacrament. Give the children paper keys, and have them write some blessings that priesthood keys “unlock.”

*Show a picture of the President of the Church, and bear your testimony that he holds all of the priesthood keys today, just as Peter did.

* Write Matthew 16:19 on the board, leaving out a few words, including the word “keys.” Ask the children to find the missing words.

* Show the video “Where Are the Keys?” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org), or review “Keys of the Priesthood” in Guide to the Scriptures (scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). What are priesthood keys? How are priesthood keys like real keys?

* Help the children list on the board some people who have priesthood keys. “Keys of the Priesthood” in Guide to the Scriptures (scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org) has a list that can help them. Invite someone in your ward who holds priesthood keys to briefly share with the class why these keys are important.

* Hide several keys (or pictures of keys) around the room, and invite the children to find them. After each key is found, help the children think of blessings we enjoy because of priesthood keys (for example, eternal families, baptism, and the sacrament).

Priesthood Videos for Kids

Priesthood Power (Tune: Scripture Power)

Priesthood Power, keeps me safe from sin.

Priesthood Power is the power to win.

Priesthood Power, every day I need.

The power that I get when God I head. 


Click the + below to show additional notes. 

Priesthood Keys

Those who have priesthood keys make it possible for all who serve or labor faithfully under their direction to exercise priesthood authority and access priesthood power. All men and all women serve in the Church under the direction of those who have keys. In the Church all ordinances are performed under the authorization of the priesthood leader who holds the keys for that ordinance.

Why are men—and not women—ordained to priesthood offices?

President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) explained that “it was the Lord,” not man, “who designated that men in His Church should hold the priesthood” and who endowed women with “capabilities to round out this great and marvelous organization, which is the Church and kingdom of God.”4 The Lord has not revealed why He has organized His Church as He has. This matter, like many others, comes down to our faith. Do we believe that this is the Lord’s Church? Do we believe that He has organized it according to His purposes and wisdom? Do we believe that His wisdom far exceeds ours? Do we believe that He has organized His Church in a manner that would be the greatest possible blessing to all of His children, both His sons and His daughters?*

Interestingly, if women set apart to serve in auxiliary presidencies have “delegated authority,” it means they have priesthood authority in their calling. As President Dallin H. Oaks explained, “We are not accustomed to speaking of women having the authority of the priesthood in their Church callings, but what other authority can it be? When a woman—young or old—is set apart . . . she is given priesthood authority to perform a priesthood function” (President Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign May 2014). Women have priesthood authority but not priesthood office.].

Priesthood Ordinances

An ordinance is most commonly officiated by persons who have been ordained to an office in the priesthood acting under the direction of one who holds priesthood keys. For example, the holders of the various offices of the Aaronic Priesthood officiate in the ordinance of the sacrament under the keys and direction of the bishop, who holds the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood.

The same principle applies to the priesthood ordinances in which women officiate in the temple. Though women do not hold an office in the priesthood, they perform sacred temple ordinances under the authorization of the president of the temple, who holds the keys for the ordinances of the temple.

Priesthood Authority Examples

An example of priesthood authority under the direction of one who holds the keys are the teachings of men and women called to teach the gospel, whether in classes in their home wards or in the mission field. Other examples are those who hold leadership positions in the ward and exercise priesthood authority in their leadership by reason of their callings and under the setting apart and direction of the priesthood leader who holds the keys in the ward or the stake. This is how the authority and power of the priesthood is exercised and enjoyed in The Church...Priesthood authority can be exercised only under the direction of the one who holds the keys for that function.*

The Aaronic Priesthood

What is the Aaronic Priesthood?

* It “is called the Priesthood of Aaron, because it was conferred upon Aaron and his seed, throughout all their generations.” (D&C 107:13.)

* “The power and authority of the lesser, or Aaronic Priesthood, is to hold the keys of the ministering of angels, and to administer in outward ordinances, the letter of the gospel, the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, agreeable to the covenants and commandments.” (D&C 107:18, 20.)

* “Why it is called the lesser priesthood is because it is an appendage to the greater, or the Melchizedek Priesthood, and has power in administering outward ordinances.” (D&C 107:14.) This means that the higher priesthood, the Melchizedek Priesthood, always presides over the Aaronic, or the lesser, Priesthood. Aaron was the high priest, or the presiding priest, of the Aaronic Priesthood. But Moses presided over Aaron because Moses held the Melchizedek Priesthood.

* The fact that the Aaronic Priesthood is called the lesser priesthood does not diminish at all the importance of the Aaronic Priesthood. The Lord said it is necessary to the Melchizedek Priesthood. (See D&C 84:29).

Sacred Keys of the Aaronic Priesthood article

Names of the Aaronic Priesthood article

The Mechizedek Priesthood

What is the Melchizedek Priesthood?

* Men who are 18 years old can hold the Melchizedek Priesthood.

* Through the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood, Church leaders guide the Church and direct the preaching of the gospel throughout the world.

* In the ordinances of the Melchizedek Priesthood, “the power of godliness is manifest” (Doctrine and Covenants 84:20).

This greater priesthood was given to Adam and has been on the earth whenever the Lord has revealed His gospel. It was taken from the earth during the Great Apostasy, but it was restored in 1829, when the Apostles Peter, James, and John conferred it upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.

* The Melchizedek Priesthood, which is “after the Order of the Son of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:3), is the greater of these. It “holds the right of presidency, and has power and authority over all the offices in the church” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:8). It also holds “the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the church” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:18). It is named after a great high priest who lived during the time of the prophet Abraham (see Doctrine and Covenants 107:2–4; see also Alma 13:14–19).

* Apostle McConkie also said, "There is no advancement from one office to another within the Melchizedek Priesthood. Every elder holds as much priesthood as an apostle or as the President of the Church, though these latter officers hold greater administrative assignments in the Kingdom" (M.D., p.596).



Children's Songbook

A Young Man Prepared (#166)

I Like My Birthdays (#104)

Love Is Spoken Here (#190)

The Fifth Article of Faith (#125)

The Priesthood Is Restored (#89)

LDS Hymns

'Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky (#12)

Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy (#335)

Come, All Ye Sons of God (#322)

Come, Sing to the Lord (#10)

God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee (#76)

God of Power, God of Right (#20)

Hark, All Ye Nations! (#264)

Now We'll Sing with One Accord (#25)

O Saints of Zion (#39)

O Thou, Before the World Began (#189)

Praise to the Man (#27)

Rise Up, O Men of God (#323)

Rise Up, O Men of God (#324)

See the Mighty Priesthood Gathered (#325)

The Priesthood of Our Lord (#320)

Truth Eternal (#4)

Ye Elders of Israel (#319)

Ye Who Are Called to Labor (#321)




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