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Choose the Right - Keep The Commandments 


Obedience Lessons, Songs & Activities for Kids

obedience, keep the commandments, choose the right, Gospel Topics Index, Come Follow Me Index

Keyword Topics:  obedience, keep the commandments, come follow me, righteous, good decisions, sin, disobedience, god's will, obeying God's will, following Jesus, obedient, choose the right, choose the right way, lds primary, come follow me for families, come follow me for primary, lds primary teacher, lds primary lessons, latter day kids, latter day littles

This list of Obedience Activities for Kids is perfect for primary lessons, family home evenings, come follow me lessons, homeschool and more! 


  • Obedience brings blessings.
  • Keeping the commandments will help me know they are true.
  • I Can Obey Without Understanding Why.
  • Heavenly Father and Jesus Want Us to Obey the Commandments.
  • I Show My Love for Jesus by Keeping His Commandments.
  • As I Follow God's Commandments, I Will Be Ready For The Second Coming.
  • No Commandment Is Too Small or Too Great to Obey.
  • Jesus Obeyed His Father. I Can Follow Jesus’s Example By Being Obedient.
  • I Can Be Obedient Even When It's Hard.
  • I can Accept and Obey God's Will. 

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Click each picture to go to the pdf (Nephi coloring page in the printables library).

Lock & Key Match Game


Heart Lock & Key printable - available in the printables library under "Lock & Key Blessings of Obedience Match"

Show one of the lock hearts. 

Say that when we sin, it's like the heart being locked and there is no key to unlock it.

Ask kids what they need to unlock a lock. (A key)

Explain that keys are like the truths of the gospel, and when we obey those truths, they "unlock" the lock and make us free. (Examples: The Savior’s Atonement can give us freedom to repent and be forgiven of our sins. The Word of Wisdom can give us freedom to avoid addictions). 

Read the scriptures and statements on each key and heart lock and match the correct key with the correct lock.

Obedience Brings Blessings


Show the video “Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God” (LDS.org). 


On a map point out a junction in a road where a traveler must decide to go to the right or to the left. Trace the route of each road, and then show how far apart the ending point on the road to the right would be from the ending point on the road to the left. Compare this to obeying or disobeying our Church leaders.


Put the box containing the surprises on the table and write the following coded message on the chalkboard or make a copy for each child.


Tell the children that this message will give them instructions on how to find something they like. Explain that to decode the message they need to obey your instructions exactly. Ask them to erase or cross out every other letter of the message starting with the first letter of each word. When they know what the message is, ask them to not tell anyone until everyone has the chance to figure it out. The message will look like this:


After they each receive a surprise or treat from the box, discuss how obedience to instructions led them to a pleasant surprise. (As an alternate activity, you may want to hide a box with a surprise in it somewhere in your classroom before class and then give the children clues to follow to find the box.) Explain that in this lesson they will learn about an important military leader who followed the instructions of a prophet and was healed from a terrible disease.

Share examples of obedience from the scriptures with the Obedience in the Scriptures Card Card Game and Craft Bundle.

If we obey the commandments, we can receive eternal life.

Mark 10:17-22 (Come Follow Me New Testament)

  • Read the story of the rich young man in Mark 10:17–22 with the children. (See also “Chapter 42:The Rich Young Man,” New Testament Stories, 105–6, or the corresponding video on LDS.org.) Ask them to listen for what Jesus told the young man to do and how the young man responded. Encourage the children to think about things they might need to begin doing or stop doing to better follow Jesus. What are some ways we can find out what Jesus wants us to do?
  • Tell one or more stories about children who ask for advice or direction from their parents but don’t follow or obey. What are some things Heavenly Father asks us to do? How do we feel when we obey His commandments?
  • Share experiences when you received personal promptings to do something to be better.

Keeping The Commandments Will Help Me Know They Are True


Politely ask the children to do several actions, such as stand up, turn around, reach up high, touch their toes, and sit down. Thank them for doing as you asked. Explain that they were being obedient. They obeyed your instructions.

Tell the kids Heavenly Father wants us to obey His commandments. Share an experience when you learned a commandment was from God because you lived it. Invite children to think of experiences they had when they obeyed a commandment. Ask, "How did you feel after you obeyed?"

John 7:17 (Come Follow Me New Testament)

  • Invite the children to take turns matching the commandments together (use 10 Commandments Tablets Match printabale). Testify of the importance of commandments and how following them has strengthened your testimony.
  • Summarize John 7:17 in words the children will understand. Help them know that obeying the commandments helps us feel closer to Jesus Christ, perhaps by singing together “Keep the Commandments” or “Choose the Right Way,” Children’s Songbook, 146–47, 160–61. Ask the children to listen for how we will be blessed when we keep the commandments.

John 7:14-17 (Come Follow Me New Testament)

  • Write each verse of John 7:14–17 on different pieces of paper and display them in random order. Ask the children to put them in the correct order and check John 7:14–17 to see if they are right. Invite the children to split into pairs and share their understanding of each verse with their partner. How has obedience to God’s commandments helped them know the commandments are true?
  • Share examples from the scriptures showing how people were blessed for living gospel truths such as Daniel (see Daniel 6) or Nephi (see 1 Nephi 3–4) - (use the Blessings of Obedience Lock & Key game - available in the printables library). 
  • A few days before class, invite one of the children to write about a time when he or she gained a testimony of a commandment by living it. During class, ask the child to share what he or she wrote.

Obeying Without Understanding Why

We show our faith and trust in God when we obey Him without knowing why.

2 CORINTHIANS 5:6–7 (Come Follow Me New Testament) - I “walk by faith, not by sight.”

Consider how you can encourage the children to keep God’s commandments even when they do not see the blessings they desire right away.

  • Read 2 Corinthians 5:6–7 and Alma 32:21 with the children, and ask them to look for words and phrases that help to define faith.
  • Blindfold one of the children, and ask the other children to give directions to help him or her complete a task such as building a tower with blocks, putting together a puzzle, or walking across the room. How does this activity help us understand what it means to “walk by faith” in God?
  • Show the video “Pure and Simple Faith” (LDS.org), and ask the children how the young woman walked by faith. Share an experience when you had to have faith in God. Invite the children to share any experiences they have had with walking by faith.

No Commandment Is Too Big or Small to Obey

Sometimes we may think a commandment is not very important.

The scriptures tell of a man named Naaman who thought that way. Naaman had a dreadful disease and traveled from Syria to Israel to ask the prophet Elisha to heal him. Naaman was an important man in his own country, so he was offended when Elisha did not greet him in person but sent his servant instead. Naaman was even more offended when he received Elisha’s message: wash seven times in the river Jordan. “Are not [the] rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them, and be clean?” he demanded. He went away in a rage. But his servants asked him: “If the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?”

Naaman was wise enough to understand that it was important to obey the prophet of God, even if it seemed a small matter. So he washed in the Jordan and was healed. (See 2 Kings 5:1–14.)

SEE ADDITIONAL EXAMPLE (Jesus called fishermen to cast in their nets again) HERE. 

Sing after sharing each example:

Tune: If You're Happy & You Know It

What God (point to heaven) asks or says (point to mouth) I'll do (2x), (arms up like strong)

Big (show big with arms) or small (show small with hands close together),

God is over all, (draw a circle in the air up high), 

What God (point to heaven) asks or says (point to mouth) I'll do.

I Show My Love for Jesus by Keeping His Commandments 

JOHN 13:34–35; 14:15; 15:10-14 (Come Follow Me New Testament)

  • Help the children memorize John 13:34–35. One way to do this is to sing “Love One Another,” Children’s Songbook, 136–37, and help the children learn actions to go with it.
  • Invite the children to write on the board ways Jesus has shown He loves us. You might show pictures from the Savior’s life to help them (for ideas, see the Gospel Art Book). How can we show love for others as He did? Invite each child to stand and share one way he or she will “love one another” (John 13:34).
  • Invite a child to read John 14:15. Let the children take turns drawing pictures that represent someone keeping a commandment, while the rest of the children guess what he or she is drawing. For examples of commandments, see For the Strength of Youth. How does keeping these commandments show the Savior that we love Him?

As I Follow God's Commandments, I Will Be Ready For The Second Coming

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 (Come Follow Me New Testament) 

  • Invite a mother to talk about what it was like to wait for her baby to be born without knowing exactly when the birth would happen. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2–3, and tell the children that Jesus Christ will come to earth again, but no one knows exactly when—just as a mother doesn’t know exactly when her baby will be born.
  • Ask the children to talk about a time when they prepared for a trip or event. What did they do to prepare? Bring a suitcase or bag and let the children pretend to pack it in preparation for a trip or event. Explain that we prepare for Jesus Christ to come again by praying, reading the scriptures, following the prophet, and living righteously each day. Ask the children to draw pictures of how they can do this and put them in the suitcase.
  • Read 1 Thessalonians 5:6 to the children and explain that if we are not preparing for Jesus to come again, it’s like we have fallen asleep and we won’t be ready for Him. Invite the children to pretend they are asleep. Explain that if we do prepare, it’s like we are awake and waiting for Him. Invite them to wake up. Sing together “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83).

Jesus Christ Obeyed His Father

I Can Follow Jesus’s Example By Being Obedient

Jesus Christ was the sublime example of obedience to our Heavenly Father. He said, “I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me” (John 6:38). His whole life was devoted to obeying His Father; yet it was not always easy for him. He was tempted in all ways as other mortals (see Hebrews 4:15). In the Garden of Gethsemane He prayed, saying, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as

I will, but as thou wilt” (Matthew 26:39).

Because Jesus obeyed the Father’s will in all things, He made salvation possible for all of us.

How can remembering the Savior’s example help us be obedient?

Ask the kids how Jesus obeyed Heavenly Father. Let kids color in the hearts as you discuss on the "Jesus Obeyed His Father" coloring page (available in the Printables Library CFM bundle.)

I Can Be Obedient Even When It's Hard

Luke 22:39-44 (Come Follow Me New Testament)

  • Jesus obeyed God even when it was hard (i.e. living on the road, being persecuted, suffering in Gethsemane, being crucified...). Memorize with the children the phrase “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42) and discuss what it means. What can we do to obey Heavenly Father’s will?
  • Help children identify some of the people in scriptures who obeyed God's commandments even when it was hard. (Use the Obedience in the Scriptures Card Match game). Help the children identify some commandments they have obeyed. Ask: What blessings did you receive by being obedient to Heavenly Father, even when it was hard? Invite them to share their experiences and testimonies.


  • Give each child a paper heart to decorate. Invite them to hold up their hearts every time they sing the word “love” in “Jesus Said Love Everyone” and “Love One Another,” Children’s Songbook, 61, 136
  • Sing “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 160) and LDS HYMN, "Choose the Right" and do the FOLDER GAME ACTIVITIES. 



Children's Songbook

Baptism (#100)

Choose the Right Way (#160)

Faith (#96)

I Am a Child of God (#2)

I Have Two Little Hands (#272)

I Know My Father Lives (#5)

I Thank Thee, Dear Father (#7)

I Want to Live the Gospel (#148)

I Will Follow God’s Plan (#164)

Keep the Commandments (#146)

Little Lambs So White and Fair (#58a)

Love Is Spoken Here (#190)

Nephi’s Courage (#120)

Pioneer Children Were Quick to Obey (#215)

Quickly I’ll Obey (#197b)

Seek the Lord Early (#108)

Stand for the Right (#159)

The Lord Gave Me a Temple (#153)

The Prophet Said to Plant a Garden (#237)

The Third Article of Faith (#123)

The Twelfth Article of Faith (#131)

The Word of Wisdom (#154)

We’ll Bring the World His Truth (#172)

Where Love Is (#138)

LDS Hymns

Behold Thy Sons and Daughters, Lord (#238)

Choose the Right (#239)

Come Along, Come Along (#244)

Come, Follow Me (#116)

Come, Let Us Anew (#217)

Dearest Children, God Is Near You (#96)

Do What Is Right (#237)

Guide Me to Thee (#101)

How Gentle God’s Commands (#314)

I Am a Child of God (#301)

I Have Work Enough to Do (#224)

I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go (#270)

In Our Lovely Deseret (#307)

Keep the Commandments (#303)

Lead Me into Life Eternal (#45)

Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part (#153)

Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days (#290)

Savior, Redeemer of My Soul (#112)

Teach Me to Walk in the Light (#304)

The Light Divine (#305)

Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done (#188)

We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice (#22)




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