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Inasmuch As Ye Have Done It Unto The Least of These My Brethren, Ye Have Done It Unto Me.

Love & Kindness Lessons, Songs & Activities for Kids

love, kindness, mercy, temperance, forgiveness, forebearance, gentleness, friend, kind, Gospel Topic Index

Keyword Topics: love, kindness, bible lesson for kids, lds primary, come follow me families, come follow me primary, come follow me lessons and activities, come follow me for families, come follow me lds primary, love kids songs, kindness kids songs, kids printables, lds primary printables, love one another, jesus said love everyone, I'll walk with you

This list of fun Love & Kindness Activities for Kids is perfect for primary lessons, family home evenings, come follow me lessons, homeschool and more! 

Love & Kindness Activities List:

  • Kindness Begins with Me
  • Kindness Scripture Play Mats
  • Being Kind Is...
  • Jesus Said Love Everyone 
  • Jesus Showed Us the Way 
  • Jesus Loves All Children
  • What I Know Action Poem
  • Lots of Ways to Say I Love You Board Game
  • "Bean" Kind Jar
  • Words Matter

Kindness Begins with Me


Videos of Social Experiments

Show kids videos of social experiments where people should help but don't. 

Help Old Lady

Help Lost Child

Help Lost Child

Child in Mall Alone - in 8 hrs only 21 people stopped

Teen stuttering

Talk about how if we wait to be kind or help when someone needs it because we think someone else will do it, they probably won't, even though they should, and then we've lost the opportunity to be more like Jesus. 

Share Good Samaritan story (Luke 10:30-37) - see activities and ideas along with this story in the post HERE.

Sing "Kindness Begins with Me" as drawing the shapes in the air. 

Implement a "Random Acts of Kindness" Wall (see picture on the right). 

Kindness Scripture Play Mats


Kindness Scripture Play Mats

Create a beautiful kindness bouquet. Color in words of kindness. Learn about the ABC's of

K-I-N-D-N-E-S-S. From coloring to counting to creating your own masterpieces, there's something new to discover on each page of these playmats for Jesus learning and fun!

This KINDNESS Activity Bundle provides easy, quick and interactive ways for children to engage with the concept of Kindness at church, home, school and more! 

Each activity page lists a different bible scripture on kindness and relates it to the activity on that page.

Being Kind Is...


Kindness Coloring pages - click pictures below to go to pdfs. 

Kindness Kids printable - in the CFM Jan-June 2023 bundle in the printables library

Write "Being Kind Is..." in a big heart in the center of the board.

Ask the kids to finish the sentence and write ways they can be kind. Write those things on the board. Discuss the questions on the "Kindness Kids" printable. 

Being Kind Is Saying And Doing Nice Things To Others                 

Being Kind is Saying Sorry

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Jesus Said Love Everyone


Heart Flowers printable - in the printables library - under "Love One Another Flower Hearts" (login/register below)

Love One Another Heart Games (Ways to Show Love & Heart Flip)

I Can Show Love For Others coloring page (click picture to go to pdf)

Read Matthew 5:43–45.

Who, specifically, do you feel you could love, bless, and pray for. How can you increase your love for them?

Ask the children to share times when they showed love for someone even though it was hard.

How did these experiences make them feel?

How can we show love to others?

Using the WAYS TO SHOW LOVE GAME, Display Jesus in the middle of the board. As you discuss ways to show love, let kids draw a heart, talk about the way to show love on the heart, then put the heart by Jesus. Keep drawing hearts, putting them around Jesus, and talking about ways to show love until you've done all the hears. 

Sing "Jesus Said Love Everyone" (Children's Songbook, 61). 

Sing “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, 136–37).

Using the HEART FLIP GAME, let them come flip up a heart and name the way to love on the heart.

Ex: Sing a phrase and flip a heart, name the way to love. 

What do we learn from this song about loving others?

At the end of the lesson, let kids fill out their heart flower page with ways they can love others. Example ideas:

  • Write a card thanking someone for being your friend.
  • Give to the poor.
  • Be friends to someone at school who isn't popular or doesn't have a friend.
  • Be nice to someone even when they are mean to you. 

YOUR SUPER CHALLENGE: This week, return good for evil - Turn the other cheek.

Practice showing love, even when you are treated unfairly by peers or siblings.

Jesus Showed Us the Way


Heart Flowers printable - in the printables library - under "Love One Another Flower Hearts" (login/register below)

Love One Another Heart Games (Ways to Show Love & Heart Flip)

Show the kids a large heart.

Ask: What do you think of when you see a heart? (Love)

How can you tell if someone loves you?

Let kids talk about people who love them and how they show them love.

How do you feel when people show they love you?

How do you think people feel when you show you love them?

Do you think there is anyone that ever doesn't need love? (No)

Explain that before Jesus Christ lived on the earth, people lived by the rule “an eye for an eye.” This meant that if people were mean or unfriendly to you, you could be mean or unfriendly to them. Explain that when Jesus came to the earth, he taught people a different way to live.

Read Matthew 5:43–45.

What does Jesus tell us about love in this scripture?

Since Jesus is our ultimate example, let's look at how He showed us to love... Read John 13:15. 

Jesus Christ Showed Love for Others by Helping Them

Share stories and examples from the scriptures of Jesus helping and loving others.


Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

Woman Adulterer

Jesus blessing Nephite Children (3 Ne 17:4-5)

Jesus Blessing Little Children (Mark 10:13-16)

Jesus Healing Blind (John 9:1-7)


Point out that in each of these stories, Jesus Christ helped people because he loved them. We can also show people that we love them by helping them.

Read John 13:35 - How can you be like Jesus and help those around you?

Tell a story about a child who did something kind for someone to show love for that person. You may want to use the following story:

Tomás became very sick and had to stay in bed for a long time. He missed doing all the fun things he and his friends liked to do. While he was sick, some of his friends came to visit him once or twice. But his friend Juan came to visit him often. Many times when the other boys were outside playing, Juan was at Tomás’s bedside talking and laughing with Tomás and helping him feel better.

What did Juan do to show that he loved Tomás?

How do you think Tomás felt about Juan? How do you think Juan felt about Tomás?

Explain that there are many ways we can show our love for others by helping them. We can do kind things for our families, our friends, our neighbors, older people, those who are ill, or anyone else who needs our help.

Have the children listen as you tell them the first part of a situation. Ask them to finish each situation by telling what they would do to show love. Use the following situations or create some of your own:

You and your father are sitting on the corner waiting for the bus to come. You see an older man hurrying to catch the bus. He has a cane to help him walk, but he can’t move very fast. The bus pulls up and the door opens. As you climb up the steps, you can tell he probably won’t reach the bus in time. What could you do to show love for this man?

On Sunday morning you are walking to church. You see a young mother with her baby in one arm and some books in the other. What could you do to follow the example of the Savior and show love for this woman?

When you arrive home from school, your mother is trying to sew. Your little brother is fussing and crying because he wants your mother to read him a story. What could you do to show love for your mother and your little brother?

One Sunday in Primary, you meet a new girl from another country. She is very shy and doesn’t talk much. Later you see her standing by the front door of the meetinghouse crying.

What could you do to show love and help the new girl?

You and a friend are playing together, and another child comes into the room. What should you do?

You and your sister want to play with the same toy. What should you do?

Your baby brother took something that belongs to you. What should you do?

Jesus Loves All Children 

Jesus loves all children (hold arms outstretched),

The little ones still small (use hand to indicate knee-high child),

The baby in the cradle (form cradle with arms),

The ones so big and tall (raise hands high over head).

(From Finger Fun for Little Folk by Thea Cannon. © 1949 by the Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Used by permission.)

Repeat as many times as the children want.

Explain that sometimes people are different in ways that make us unsure how to treat them. They may speak a different language, have a disability, or be different from us in some other way. Explain that Jesus Christ loves everyone, and he wants us to love everyone also. We should love and help those who seem different from us as well as those who seem like us.

You may want to have the children sing “I’ll Walk with You”* (Children’s Songbook, p. 140) or “We Are Different” (Children’s Songbook, p. 263).

*Print out the cards and use to discuss questions like:

  • How can we show love to someone who cannot see?
  • How can we show love to someone who cannot hear?
  • How can we show love to someone who uses a wheelchair or crutches?

Help the children understand that although some people may speak a different language or have a different skin color than they do, we are all Heavenly Father’s children. We should all be kind to one another. We should treat everyone as we would like to be treated.

I'll Walk with You Cards - in the printables library 

What I Know and Small & Simple Action Poems

Click HERE to go to What I Know pdf.  Click HERE to go to Small & simple page.

Lots of Ways to Say I Love You Board Game 

Click HERE to go to pdf. 

"Bean" Kind

Words Matter 

Friend October 2019 “Words Matter” The words we say make a big difference. Trace your finger along the lines to see how the words you say can make others feel. Also, make some kind notes to give to others.

And have kids read (or you read) the kind words the children use and have kids color each bubble. Ask them: When would you use these kind words? 

Do the "Words Matter" Activity below as well. 

And see Latter Day Kid "Kind Words" lesson HERE. 



Children's Songbook

I'll Walk with You (#140)

I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (#78)

Jesus Said Love Everyone (#61)

Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (#60)

Love Is Spoken Here (#190)

Love One Another (#136)

Reverence Is Love (#31)

Teacher, Do You Love Me? (#178)

The Commandments (#112)

We Are Different (#263)

Where Love Is (#138)

A Prayer (#22b)

A Special Gift Is Kindness (#145a)

I Have Two Ears (#269)

I Thank Thee, Dear Father (#7)

Jesus Loved the Little Children (#59)

Kindness Begins with Me (#145b)

The Thirteenth Article of Faith (#132)

LDS Hymns

A Key Was Turned in Latter Days (#310)

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief (#29)

As Sisters in Zion (#309)

Because I Have Been Given Much (#219)

Bless Our Fast, We Pray (#138)

Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd (#221)

Each Life That Touches Ours for Good (#293)

God Is Love (#313)

God Is Love (#87)

God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son (#187)

God’s Daily Care (#306)

Have I Done Any Good? (#223)

Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth (#298)

In Fasting We Approach Thee (#139)

Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words (#232)

Lord, I Would Follow Thee (#220)

Love at Home (#294)

Love at Home (#318)

Love One Another (#308)

O Love That Glorifies the Son (#295)

Our Father, by Whose Name (#296)

Our Savior’s Love (#113)

Press Forward, Saints (#81)

Scatter Sunshine (#230)

There Is a Green Hill Far Away (#194)

Truth Reflects upon Our Senses (#273)

We Meet Again as Sisters (#311)

You Can Make the Pathway Bright (#228)


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